How to Suport ::
RunMichigan has been serving the running community of Michigan since 1996. And that community feeling is what keeps us going. We’ve never made much money from what we do and our only goals have been to support and promote running in the state of Michigan. We do this for you!
And, beginning in July of 2022, is now part of the newly created nonprofit RunMichigan Foundation! Your support not only goes to support our calendar, results, resources and race coverage on, but you’ll also be supporting all of the great new projects we’ll be working on soon as part of the RunMichigan Foundation!
We’ve got big plans and we want you to join us. We want to not only keep alive, but we want to build the running community in Michigan even stronger! We want to find ways to post and archive more of the history of running in Michigan, help support other running programs, and do even more to cover our state’s runners in ways never before imagined. With your support, we can do some amazing things!
Thank you for your support of RunMichigan through the years. Let’s work together to make this state the best running state in the country!
The RunMichigan Foundation is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization (EIN: 86-3661579) and your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. To claim a donation as a deduction on your U.S. taxes, please keep your email donation receipt as your official record. The website is part of the RunMichigan Foundation and donations to support the website and our efforts for it are also tax deductible.
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Support RunMichigan
Monthly Pledge
Give as little as $1 per month to help us preserve Michigan's Running!
PLEDGE OPTIONSPurchase Photos!
Choose from our vast library of great photos. You can also choose custom options at checkout - t-shirt, mugs, mouse pads, posters or just a great looking photo!
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Are you a race director? Need help with promoting your event. With direct advertising on RunMichigan, you will be directly connected with 1,000's of like-minded users. Banner advertising and email marketing will help take your event to the next level.
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