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OCTOBER 28TH, 2000

Results provided by Tom Durbin


10/28/00                                 CROSS COUNTRY                                   PAGE  1

           L.P. DIV. 3 BOYS REG. 24   AT  HUDSON                     10/28/00

 ³                                           SCORES                                           ³
 ³  1. Williamston                          43     7. Napoleon                            192 ³
 ³  2. Stockbridge                          58     8. Brooklyn Columbia Central           202 ³
 ³  3. Addison                             139     9. East Jackson                        215 ³
 ³  4. Lansing Catholic Central            144    10. ALBION                              220 ³
 ³  5. Leslie                              161    11. HUDSON                              225 ³
 ³  6. Jackson Lumen Chrsti                171    12. Hillsdale                           256 ³

                                          MEN'S 5K RUN

                                       INDIVIDUAL RESULTS

  FIN   NAME                     TEAM                                     NUM    RESULTS   PTS
    1.  Jason Stover (SR)        Williamston                              103    15:29.1     1
    2.  Pat Maynard (SR)         Williamston                              100    16:03.6     2
    3.  Phil McLellan (SR)       Stockbridge                              088    16:11.5     3
    4.  Curt Campbell (SR)       Stockbridge                              084    16:31.9     4
    5.  Brandon Grybas (JR)      Stockbridge                              086    16:32.4     5
    6.  Warren Krueger (SR)      Stockbridge                              087    16:37.6     6
    7.  Lawrence Cornell (SR)    ALBION                                   009    16:41.3     7
    8.  Brandon Zingsheim (SR)   Lansing Catholic Central                 055    16:45.7     8
    9.  Nick Bailey (JR)         Portland                                 078    16:46.3     -
   10.  David Bills (FR)         Williamston                              097    16:47.0     9
   11.  Greg Schmit (SO)         Leslie                                   062    16:47.7    10
   12.  ALBERT ENGLE (SR)        Brooklyn Columbia Central                016    16:50.3    11
   13.  Robert Schneider (SR)    Lansing Catholic Central                 051    16:54.6    12
   14.  Paul Roys (SR)           Addison                                  005    16:55.5    13
   15.  BRAD VANDERLOOVEN (SR)   HUDSON                                   041    16:56.6    14
   16.  Mike Salisbury (SR)      Williamston                              102    17:05.3    15
   17.  Mike Delaney (FR)        Williamston                              098    17:11.3    16
   18.  Jeremy Hill (JR)         Hillsdale                                032    17:14.2    17
   19.  Steve Krajniak (SO)      Leslie                                   059    17:18.8    18
   20.  Steven Sprouse (JR)      ALBION                                   013    17:23.1    19
   21.  Matt Bartlebaugh (JR)    Napoleon                                 071    17:23.3    20
   22.  Guy Gibson (SR)          East Jackson                             025    17:23.9    21
   23.  John Walsh (SR)          Jackson Lumen Chrsti                     048    17:25.6    22
   24.  Jeremy Cox (SR)          Addison                                  001    17:26.0    23
   25.  Scott Donglas (JR)       Jackson Lumen Chrsti                     043    17:27.6    24
   26.  STEPHEN GUERRA (SO)      HUDSON                                   037    17:28.4    25
   27.  Nick Marlatt (SR)        Williamston                              099    17:30.4     P
   28.  Scott Thomas (SR)        Addison                                  007    17:35.0    27
   29.  Jeff Makries (SR)        Portland                                 081    17:35.9     -
   30.  Chad Johnson (SO)        Jackson Lumen Chrsti                     044    17:40.0    28
   31.  Benjamin Pankow (SO)     Williamston                              101    17:42.4     P
   32.  Joe Meyers (JR)          Addison                                  003    17:45.6    30
   33.  JUSTIN NOBLE (JR)        Brooklyn Columbia Central                019    17:46.5    31
   34.  Jacob DuBois (FR)        East Jackson                             024    17:49.9    32
   35.  WILLIAM SBACH (SO)       Brooklyn Columbia Central                021    17:50.6    33
   36.  Chad Maruschak (JR)      Napoleon                                 073    17:54.6    34
   37.  Greg Dutton (JR)         Napoleon                                 072    17:59.4    35
   38.  Derek Woodruff (JR)      East Jackson                             028    18:01.6    36
   39.  Joe Swiderski (SR)       Lansing Catholic Central                 053    18:02.8    37
   40.  Kalen Dexter (SR)        Leslie                                   057    18:03.0    38
   41.  Steven Kaatz             Leslie                                   060    18:04.4    39
   42.  John Barnes (SR)         Stockbridge                              083    18:09.5    40
   43.  Sam Topping              Stockbridge                              089    18:11.0     P
   44.  Nick Lovachis            Stockbridge                              085    18:12.4     P
   45.  David Friedlein (JR)     Lansing Catholic Central                 050    18:13.9    43
   46.  Mike Stump (FR)          Lansing Catholic Central                 052    18:19.1    44
   47.  Tom Jurasek (FR)         Jackson Lumen Chrsti                     045    18:21.8    45
   48.  Shayne Robidoux (SR)     Addison                                  004    18:23.8    46
   49.  B.J. Leyser              Lansing Catholic Central                 049    18:24.6     P
   50.  Patrick Smith (FR)       Napoleon                                 076    18:25.5    48
   51.  Korey Rowlson (SR)       Hillsdale                                034    18:27.4    49
   52.  Nick Spicer (SR)         Addison                                  006    18:28.6     P
   53.  Josh Cockram (JR)        Hillsdale                                029    18:29.9    51
   54.  Jacob Miller (FR)        Jackson Lumen Chrsti                     046    18:30.3    52
   55.  Adam Shissler (SR)       Michigan Center                          069    18:30.5     -
   56.  Marc Verhougstraete  (SR)Lansing Catholic Central                 054    18:30.7     P
   57.  ROBERT KUHN (SO)         HUDSON                                   038    18:31.3    54
   58.  Josh Moulton (FR)        Napoleon                                 074    18:36.2    55
   59.  Jared Bowen (SR)         Leslie                                   056    18:37.2    56
   60.  Adam Kuenner (JR)        Addison                                  002    18:37.6     P
   61.  Dan Sharrer (JR)         East Jackson                             026    18:45.5    58
   62.  Andrew Richards (JR)     Napoleon                                 075    18:46.4     P
   63.  ROBERT DEO (FR)          HUDSON                                   036    18:49.1    60
   64.  Robert Connell (SO)      ALBION                                   008    19:06.8    61
   65.  ERIC SAUBER (SO)         Brooklyn Columbia Central                020    19:12.1    62
   66.  Jon Gertig (JR)          Hillsdale                                031    19:12.7    63
   67.  Brandon Moor             ALBION                                   011    19:13.6    64
   68.  BRIAN MESCHKE (JR)       Brooklyn Columbia Central                018    19:14.4    65
   69.  Adam Johnson (FR)        Portland                                 079    19:14.6     -
   70.  Dan Theleu (SO)          Portland                                 082    19:20.3     -
   71.  Jacob Dolson (JR)        Jackson Lumen Chrsti                     042    19:21.3     P
   72.  Zachary Miller (FR)      Jackson Lumen Chrsti                     047    19:23.7     P
   73.  Darren Webb (FR)         East Jackson                             027    19:24.3    68
   74.  Steven Hill (JR)         ALBION                                   010    19:27.4    69
   75.  J.D. Peagler             ALBION                                   012    19:31.0     P
   76.  ROY DAY (JR)             Brooklyn Columbia Central                015    19:47.4     P
   77.  ANDREW APLING (SO)       HUDSON                                   035    19:48.6    72
   78.  Jesse Pepper (FR)        Leslie                                   061    19:52.2     P
   79.  David Steinmetz (SO)     ALBION                                   014    19:55.9     P
   80.  MATT MARRY (JR)          HUDSON                                   039    19:59.8     P
   81.  Nick Cozart (FR)         Hillsdale                                030    20:02.5    76
   82.  NICK REILLY (FR)         HUDSON                                   040    20:18.5     P
   83.  Kyle Dexter (JR)         Leslie                                   058    20:23.3     P
   84.  Sean Gustwiller          Brooklyn Columbia Central                017    20:27.4     P
   85.  Josh Hemker (FR)         Union City                               094    20:28.5     -
   86.  Mike Raker (FR)          Hillsdale                                033    21:11.4     P
   87.  Bob Raymond (FR)         Union City                               096    21:19.9     -
   88.  Paul Starr (SR)          Olivet                                   104    21:50.0     -
   89.  Ryan Bilby               East Jackson                             022    21:56.2     P
   90.  Jason Bartel (SO)        Michigan Center                          065    22:18.3     -
   91.  Dustin Ferris (FR)       Union City                               091    22:58.2     -
   92.  Cory Showerman (FR)      Michigan Center                          070    23:09.0     -
   93.  Devin Ferris (JR)        Union City                               090    23:37.1     -
   94.  Charlie Cameron (SR)     East Jackson                             023      NF        -
   95.  Michael Mead (SO)        Vermontville-Maple Valley                063      NF        -
   96.  Mark Shoemaker (FR)      Vermontville-Maple Valley                064      NF        -
   97.  Terry Easton (FR)        Michigan Center                          066      NF        -
   98.  Duston Flint (SR)        Michigan Center                          067      NF        -
   99.  Chad Latoszewski (SR)    Michigan Center                          068      NF        -
  100.  Nick Spiess (JR)         Napoleon                                 077      NF        -
  101.  Jonah Lyon (SR)          Portland                                 080      NF        -
  102.  Terry Fisk (SR)          Union City                               092      NF        -
  103.  Tate Goodwin (SR)        Union City                               093      NF        -
  104.  Bill Kidney (JR)         Union City                               095      NF        -

10/28/00                                 CROSS COUNTRY                                   PAGE  2

           L.P. DIV. 3 BOYS REG. 24   AT  HUDSON                     10/28/00

                                          TEAM RESULTS

         TEAM                                     NAME                    FIN    RESULTS    PTS

     1.  Williamston                              Jason Stover (SR)         1      15:29      1
                                                  Pat Maynard (SR)          2      16:03      2
                                                  David Bills (FR)         10      16:47      9
                                                  Mike Salisbury (SR)      16      17:05     15
                                                  Mike Delaney (FR)        17      17:11     16
                                                  Nick Marlatt (SR)        27      17:30
                                                  Benjamin Pankow (SO)     31      17:42

                                                  ** TEAM TOTAL **               1:22:35     43

     2.  Stockbridge                              Phil McLellan (SR)        3      16:11      3
                                                  Curt Campbell (SR)        4      16:31      4
                                                  Brandon Grybas (JR)       5      16:32      5
                                                  Warren Krueger (SR)       6      16:37      6
                                                  John Barnes (SR)         42      18:09     40
                                                  Sam Topping              43      18:11
                                                  Nick Lovachis            44      18:12

                                                  ** TEAM TOTAL **               1:24:00     58

     3.  Addison                                  Paul Roys (SR)           14      16:55     13
                                                  Jeremy Cox (SR)          24      17:26     23
                                                  Scott Thomas (SR)        28      17:35     27
                                                  Joe Meyers (JR)          32      17:45     30
                                                  Shayne Robidoux (SR)     48      18:23     46
                                                  Nick Spicer (SR)         52      18:28
                                                  Adam Kuenner (JR)        60      18:37

                                                  ** TEAM TOTAL **               1:28:04    139

     4.  Lansing Catholic Central                 Brandon Zingsheim (SR)    8      16:45      8
                                                  Robert Schneider (SR)    13      16:54     12
                                                  Joe Swiderski (SR)       39      18:02     37
                                                  David Friedlein (JR)     45      18:13     43
                                                  Mike Stump (FR)          46      18:19     44
                                                  B.J. Leyser              49      18:24
                                                  Marc Verhougstraete  (SR 56      18:30

                                                  ** TEAM TOTAL **               1:28:13    144

     5.  Leslie                                   Greg Schmit (SO)         11      16:47     10
                                                  Steve Krajniak (SO)      19      17:18     18
                                                  Kalen Dexter (SR)        40      18:03     38
                                                  Steven Kaatz             41      18:04     39
                                                  Jared Bowen (SR)         59      18:37     56
                                                  Jesse Pepper (FR)        78      19:52
                                                  Kyle Dexter (JR)         83      20:23

                                                  ** TEAM TOTAL **               1:28:49    161

     6.  Jackson Lumen Chrsti                     John Walsh (SR)          23      17:25     22
                                                  Scott Donglas (JR)       25      17:27     24
                                                  Chad Johnson (SO)        30      17:40     28
                                                  Tom Jurasek (FR)         47      18:21     45
                                                  Jacob Miller (FR)        54      18:30     52
                                                  Jacob Dolson (JR)        71      19:21
                                                  Zachary Miller (FR)      72      19:23

                                                  ** TEAM TOTAL **               1:29:23    171

     7.  Napoleon                                 Matt Bartlebaugh (JR)    21      17:23     20
                                                  Chad Maruschak (JR)      36      17:54     34
                                                  Greg Dutton (JR)         37      17:59     35
                                                  Patrick Smith (FR)       50      18:25     48
                                                  Josh Moulton (FR)        58      18:36     55
                                                  Andrew Richards (JR)     62      18:46
                                                  Nick Spiess (JR)        100      00 00

                                                  ** TEAM TOTAL **               1:30:17    192

     8.  Brooklyn Columbia Central                ALBERT ENGLE (SR)        12      16:50     11
                                                  JUSTIN NOBLE (JR)        33      17:46     31
                                                  WILLIAM SBACH (SO)       35      17:50     33
                                                  ERIC SAUBER (SO)         65      19:12     62
                                                  BRIAN MESCHKE (JR)       68      19:14     65
                                                  ROY DAY (JR)             76      19:47
                                                  Sean Gustwiller          84      20:27

                                                  ** TEAM TOTAL **               1:30:52    202

     9.  East Jackson                             Guy Gibson (SR)          22      17:23     21
                                                  Jacob DuBois (FR)        34      17:49     32
                                                  Derek Woodruff (JR)      38      18:01     36
                                                  Dan Sharrer (JR)         61      18:45     58
                                                  Darren Webb (FR)         73      19:24     68
                                                  Ryan Bilby               89      21:56
                                                  Charlie Cameron (SR)     94      00 00

                                                  ** TEAM TOTAL **               1:31:22    215

    10.  ALBION                                   Lawrence Cornell (SR)     7      16:41      7
                                                  Steven Sprouse (JR)      20      17:23     19
                                                  Robert Connell (SO)      64      19:06     61
                                                  Brandon Moor             67      19:13     64
                                                  Steven Hill (JR)         74      19:27     69
                                                  J.D. Peagler             75      19:31
                                                  David Steinmetz (SO)     79      19:55

                                                  ** TEAM TOTAL **               1:31:50    220

    11.  HUDSON                                   BRAD VANDERLOOVEN (SR)   15      16:56     14
                                                  STEPHEN GUERRA (SO)      26      17:28     25
                                                  ROBERT KUHN (SO)         57      18:31     54
                                                  ROBERT DEO (FR)          63      18:49     60
                                                  ANDREW APLING (SO)       77      19:48     72
                                                  MATT MARRY (JR)          80      19:59
                                                  NICK REILLY (FR)         82      20:18

                                                  ** TEAM TOTAL **               1:31:32    225

    12.  Hillsdale                                Jeremy Hill (JR)         18      17:14     17
                                                  Korey Rowlson (SR)       51      18:27     49
                                                  Josh Cockram (JR)        53      18:29     51
                                                  Jon Gertig (JR)          66      19:12     63
                                                  Nick Cozart (FR)         81      20:02     76
                                                  Mike Raker (FR)          86      21:11

                                                  ** TEAM TOTAL **               1:33:24    256

    13.  Olivet                                   Paul Starr (SR)          88      21:50

                                                  ** TEAM TOTAL **                 21:50

    14.  Portland                                 Nick Bailey (JR)          9      16:46
                                                  Jeff Makries (SR)        29      17:35
                                                  Adam Johnson (FR)        69      19:14
                                                  Dan Theleu (SO)          70      19:20
                                                  Jonah Lyon (SR)         101      00 00

                                                  ** TEAM TOTAL **               1:12:55

    15.  Michigan Center                          Adam Shissler (SR)       55      18:30
                                                  Jason Bartel (SO)        90      22:18
                                                  Cory Showerman (FR)      92      23:09
                                                  Terry Easton (FR)        97      00 00
                                                  Duston Flint (SR)        98      00 00
                                                  Chad Latoszewski (SR)    99      00 00

                                                  ** TEAM TOTAL **               1:03:57

    16.  Union City                               Josh Hemker (FR)         85      20:28
                                                  Bob Raymond (FR)         87      21:19
                                                  Dustin Ferris (FR)       91      22:58
                                                  Devin Ferris (JR)        93      23:37
                                                  Terry Fisk (SR)         102      00 00
                                                  Tate Goodwin (SR)       103      00 00
                                                  Bill Kidney (JR)        104      00 00

                                                  ** TEAM TOTAL **               1:28:22

    17.  Vermontville-Maple Valley                Michael Mead (SO)        95      00 00
                                                  Mark Shoemaker (FR)      96      00 00

                                                  ** TEAM TOTAL **                 00:00

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