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A great day to RunMichigan!
Updated 07/02/04

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2004 US Olympic Team Trials page
Brian Sell Interview
July 2, 2004

Rochester Hills, MI - RunMichigan was able to talk with Brian Sell who placed 13th at the 2004 Olympic Marathon Trials in February and is the 2003 US 20K Championship runner-up. Brian is a member of the Hansons-Brooks ODP team and one of four Hansons-Brooks team members to qualify for U.S. Track and Field Olympic Trials. Brian will be heading to Sacramento to run the 10K and try an earn a spot on the 2004 U.S. Olympic team.

: How does it feel to be running at your 2nd Olympic Trials event in less than 6 months?

Brian: It feels pretty good, although I qualified using a time that I ran last year at Hillsdale, so it isn't quite indicative of the shape I'm in right now.  But a trip to California to run with the US's best is always a good thing.

RunMichigan: What did your learn from running at the Olympic Trials Marathon race in February that will help with the 10000 at the Trials?

Brian: I learned that a race isn't over till it's over. I've learned this in races past, but I always manage to forget it. I definitely won't be taking the lead in the 10k in Sacramento, though.  

RunMichigan: What has changed since your Olympic Trials Marathon where you led for most of the race, set a PR and finished 13th?

Brian: Not a lot, we're still running high mileage and mixing some track work in. Its been a long segment (since the end of February) and my legs are getting ready for a break.

RunMichigan: What is your goal for the 10000 at the Olympic Track and Field Trials?

Brian: We (Richie Brinker and I) were looking for about a 28:20 this year and were a bit off of that, so the plan is to go out conservatively and try to pick our way through the pack.

RunMichigan: How do you use the success of your spring and early summer road race success (Shamrock Shuffle (1st); Great Race (1st) and Reeds Lake (2nd)) to help on the track?

Brian: It felt good to place well in those races, but I didn't hit my time goals for any of them, so they were kind of double edged swords. I think I am a marathoner now and shorter road races are more or less learning experiences for me, to see how much my legs and lungs can take.  

RunMichigan: Since this is the Olympic Trials 10000 with all the best American 10000 runners, does it change your race strategy at all?

Brian: Not really, I know Meb Keflezghi, Dan Browne, Bob Kennedy, etc. are probably going to run under 28 minutes, which is faster than I can go right now, I just hope to be in the mix. I would be very happy with a top 10 finish in the Olympic trials at this point. 

RunMichigan: What is different about the training you were doing before Birmingham in February to the training you are doing now for the 10000 in Sacramento?

Brian: Before the marathon, I was runnning 130-145 miles a week. We cut that back to about 120, but added some track work at anywhere from 62-68 second quarter pace stuff. I really like the long, slow, grinding stuff so I enjoyed the marathon training segment a little more.

RunMichigan: Who are you currently training with on the Hansons-Brooks Olympic Development Program to get ready for the 10000?

Brian: Richie Brinker and I have been doing most of the training together at this point, since we are the two guys going, but the whole group of guys are together for the daily distance runs and ome of the tempo workouts.  

RunMichigan: Have you been to Sacramento before? What have learned about the weather and conditions for Sacramento in the summer?

Brian: I have never been to Sacramento before, but I am figuring that it will be very hot and humid. We did a workout out at Stoney Creek the other day at 7 pm when it was about 75 or so and it definitely made a difference.

RunMichigan: What are you doing over the next week to prepare for the Trials?

Brian: I am just taking it a bit easier on the daily runs and trying to eat well and hydrate. I am stretching a bit more and just going over the race in my mind, preparing for a lot of pain.  

RunMichigan: Where is the best place to eat in the Detroit area?

Brian: Loui's Country Kitchen in Rochester has the best breakfast in town, if you can deal with all the soccer moms talking on their cell phones while they eat. The guys go there after just about every workout and have an omelette or some of the cinnamon raisin french toast. The waitresses keep the coffee coming, too. The Rochester Brewery is a nice place to go with the group too, and they opened up their patio now, so you can eat outside.

RunMichigan: Now that summer has finally arrived in Michigan, what do you for fun when you are not running?

Brian: We get together with the team about 4 nights a week and just cook out and listen to music out on our deck at Bloomer. We have taken a trip to Cedar Point every year since I've been here, so I'm hoping we do that again. I like whooping Doyle in horseshoes every now and then, as well.



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