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Mar 27, 2008
Sarah Hinkley - Olympic Marathon Trials Views- 4677


RM: How has the weather been in your area the past few months? Has it affected your training at all and if so, what changes were needed?

SH: As my parents put it, “this has been an old fashioned Michigan winter.” The weather hasn’t treated us marathon runners too kindly in Michigan, but I try to believe it makes me tougher, and as a last resort I use the treadmill. The ice and snow inevitably aggravate my Achilles and hamstrings so I have to be careful. I’ve done some of my key workouts on the treadmill.

RM: Have you had training partners for most of your runs and workouts or have you been going solo? Why?

SH: I do my workouts by myself. In the afternoon I do some of my recovery runs with the ladies I coach, and I often run with Michael Nikkila. I will say though I love running solo. Especially on my morning runs. When I run by myself I think I listen to my body better. If I feel good I may push it a bit, if I’m sluggish I run easy. And I get lost in my thoughts and don’t always feel like talking when I run. I run solo 80% of the time.

RM: What workout has given you the most confidence as the trials are almost here?

SH: Without a doubt my long progression runs.

RM: What would you say is your greatest strength/advantage going into the trials and why?

SH: I think I have a good solid base. I can handle quite a bit of mileage with out too much wear and tear. I feel like mentally I’ve gotten stronger in the last year.

RM: What do you think is your biggest weakness going into the trial and what are you doing to limit that weakness?

SH: I wish I felt a little sharper and quick right now, but I just don’t. I’ve got the strength, but I’m not turning it over as fast as I wish I were. Hopefully the taper helps. I feel very inexperienced racing the marathon. It will be great to get one more under my belt.

RM: What would it take for you to walk away from the trials happy/content? If you are willing to say, what is your goal for the trials?

SH: I will be happy and content if I improve upon my last marathon. I want to make my family proud.

RM: What are your thoughts on racing in Boston? How big do you think the crowd will be and what do you think the overall atmosphere will be like?

SH: I love Boston! I’ve been there twice; enjoyed the great food, shopping, and of course running. I think the atmosphere will be thrilling and intense.

RM: What are some of the foods that you just cannot get enough of during this heavy training phase? Are there any foods that you try to avoid during such a heavy training phase?

SH: Cereal. I eat so many bowls of cereal a day it’s ridiculous. Right now I don’t avoid anything because I’m hungry all of the time from the mileage. I’m always snacking and never full.

RM: Have you had any setbacks with your training leading up to the trials and if so, what were they and how did you deal with them?

SH: I was really ill mid February. I literally couldn’t get out of bed for about five to six days. For a week or two running felt so awkward and I just felt weak and dizzy all the time. I was so worried about my training. I bounced back though. Just took it one day at a time and tried not to rush anything.

RM: When do you see your last hard workout heading into the trials being and what will it be?

SH: Oh lets see. I’m so random with my training. Sometimes I head out the door and completely change my mind as to what I’m going to do. I imagine myself doing some mile repeats Tuesday or Wednesday the week of, maybe a fartlek.

RM: When will your last long run be heading into the trials and what will it be? How long has your long run been so far?

SH: I think my last long run will be two and half weeks out. I’ll probably do a couple of medium long runs as well leading right up to the trials. My longest run has been 24.


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