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Oct 30, 2007
Nick Cordes - Brooks Views- 1992

Nick Cordes ran for Ashland University. After graduating he head up north to train with the Hanson/Brooks distance team. After his time with the group came to an end, he went back to Ashland University to become the head cross country/distance coach. He has continued to train in his spare time and qualified for the Olympic Trials. Nick ran 2:21.29 at the 2006 Detroit Marathon.

RM: What type of training have you been doing this fall to get ready for the Olympic Trials Marathon?

I have been doing the basic things that most do when training for an interview: Higher volume training weeks, a long run, long workouts with several mile repeats and some long tempos.

RM: What will you do over these last two weeks to get ready for New York?

NC: There really isn’t much I will do other than cut back my overall training volume (weekly mileage) and cut back on the length of my workouts. Freshen up the body and not incur any injuries.

RM: How do you balance being Head Men's Cross Country Coach at Ashland University, training for the Olympic Trials and working for

I really enjoy what I do everyday. It helps that I am extremely organized for the most part. Training is easy as I do my longer effort first thing in the morning. Coaching responsibilities are scattered throughout the day, but a lot of it can be done from my home, which is right next to campus. My work with can now be done anywhere as it is internet based and I can update on any computer (thanks to webmaster J. Eberly).

RM: What are your goals for Saturday November 3rd?

NC: I am really not sure of what a good goal would be other than to battle it out to the finish and run the smartest I possibly can. I am really just looking forward to getting the chance to compete in a great marathon field while being prepared and healthy. I haven’t been in really good fitness for a race with a deep quality field for several years. It will be fun.

RM: Have you had a chance to run part of the Marathon course? or have you been able to talk with other people who have run the course - what is your impression of the course?

NC: Last March I was in NYC for the US 8k Champs. They actually had to delay the race a day due to bad weather so instead of racing we went and ran the actual course around Central Park. I also believe that part of the 8k course we ran was part of the marathon course. It is up and down but nothing crazy. People will have to be smart as not many have ran a course that is like this one and making a mistake early will make you pay dearly for it late.

RM: Since you did qualify for the 2004 Olympic Trials Marathon, but were unable to run because of an injury, have you done anything different for the 2008 Olympic Marathon Trials? How does qualifying before help you to prepare for the 2008 trials?

NC: My past situation with the Olympic Trials did make me take a little bit easier of an approach this time. Meaning that I didn’t take any big risks to get in that little bit of extra fitness. If I was going to commit to this race, I was going to get there fit, hungry and not injured.

More so than qualifying, just being in attendance of the last Olympic Trials gave me the chance to see the runners up close and personal and observe the level I wanted to get to. The experience allowed me to also take in the atmosphere and the behind the scene things that will certainly be in full effect trials weekend.

RM: How difficult will it be for you not to be coaching your NCAA DII 20th ranked Ashland University XC team at the Great Lakes Regional in Edwardsville, Illinois? How will you keep updated during the race while you are in New York?

NC: It will be very difficult to not be at the NCAA regional meet. I was not planning on running the trials for sure as of about 4 – 5 months ago. The team is my first priority. I mentioned during track last year that I wouldn't be running the trials and some of the athletes became upset. I decided to ask them as a group and they all wanted me to go. Last week at the conference meet the all broke out these shirts for the warm up, showing support for me. It was sort of embarrassing and flattering at the same time. Had the team shown any annoyance or frustration I would have bagged the trials. I brought in an assistant during the off-season to help with several things, but a big part was so that he could help with the regional meet.

In the end, the team has done all the work and we have talked about what needs to be done to give us the best chance to make the national meet. There will be 7 or 8 of the top 25 teams in Div II at our regional meet with only 4 teams getting out. Our men finished 4 points behind the 4th ranked team in the region at our conference meet. It will be a dog fight. Last year we were only 16 points from making nationals. I will be on the phone the whole time with the women’s coach and my assistant. The regional race will be starting about 2 hours after the marathon will be over so I have time to recover and make sure that all the chips are in place for the team.

RM: Between coaching, training and working how do you relax outside the sport of running?

NC: As I mentioned earlier, I really enjoy what I do. My training comes easy as I have a couple people to run with in the mornings and after our college practices. The team has bought into the system and have become self motivated and are making the right decisions without me having to be breathing down their necks. Runmichigan allows me to work on the go and when I find the right time to do it. Running has brought so many great things to my life. It truly has become a relaxing point for me.


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