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Oct 26, 2007
Martin Rosendahl - Hanson/Brooks Views- 2730

Martin Rosendahl ran at what is now called Minnesota State - Mankato. Soon after graduating, Marty headed out to train with the Hanson/Brooks distance team. This is Marty's first time running in the Olympic Trials Marathon. He qualified with a 2:17.05 that was ran at the Chicago Marathon.

RM: How excited are you for the Olympic Marathon Trials and why? Do you look at the Trials as just another marathon? What do they mean to you?

MR: I am excited for the trials in a bittersweet sort of way. I missed so much training this segment because of an injury that I'm going there knowing that I'm not going to be competitive at all. I'm excited to be a part of the atmosphere, and to gain the experience of being around the atmosphere that I can hopefully put to good use the next time round, but this marathon will be more of a "just another training run" than a race for me. For me, it's going to be more meaningful to see the incredible performances of my teammates.

RM: What were you training for at the time of the last trials. What have been the biggest changes in your training since than?

MR: For the 2004 Trials, I was training for the 2004 U.S. Winter Cross Country Championships. There have been quite a few changes since then. At that time, I was hoping to make a U.S. team to race at the World XC Championships (but didn't make it.) Now I have made a team, I've grown stronger, fitter, and more consistent with my training, but now I'm also injured and won't be competitive at all in this race.

RM: What would it take to make you walk away from the Trials disappointed and why? What would it take to allow you to walk away content from the Trials and why?

The biggest thing that would make me walk away from the Trials disappointed would be lackluster performances by my teammates. Since I don't expect to be competitive because of my injury, I'm living vicariously through my teammates for this one. I suppose if I DNF'd, I'd be disappointed in my own run.

Since my own personal expectations are so diminished for this event, it wouldn't take much for me to walk away content. I'd like to finish the run, I'd like to see a teammate (two would be better!) make the team. There was such big stories made of our team after the last Marathon Trials, and after the Boston Marathon '06, but the guys that have made it through this training segment healthy are in phenominal shape, if they all perform to their current level of fitness this is going to be one of the biggest eye-openers of them all. That would make me content to see Brooks, Saturn, Hanson Running Shops, and LifeTime Fitness get a ton of sweet publicity for being such incredible sponsors.

RM: What are your thoughts on the level of competition that is going to be toeing the line for the Trials?

MR: I think that this is going to be one of the most competitive Marathon Trials the U.S. have ever held. The athletes involved are so tough, and so experienced on a world level, there's no sure bet. It's pretty top heavy this time around, and there's a good number of athletes that will have a chance to make the team.

RM: How many more Olympic Marathon Trials do you see yourself competing in down the road and why?

MR: I see myself running at least the 2012 Marathon Trials as well. As far as my age goes I'll be at my peak marathoning age then. Who knows about 2016. All I know is that I really love to run, and I can't imagine myself doing anything else. I'll do this as long as I possibly can.


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