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The 2004 Marathon was
- By Doug Kurtis
Free Press Columnist


The Detroit Free Press/ Flagstar Bank Marathon became one of the superstars of marathon events this past weekend.   The organizing staff and supporting crew have been working for six years to get to this level and the glass slipper finally arrived.

The streets of Detroit were filled with runners, spectators and thousands of volunteers. It was nothing short of spectacular at the starting line, especially with the lights of Comerica Park turned on.   The race is fortunate to have the Ambassador Bridge and the Detroit Windsor Tunnel companies as partners.   For many local athletes, as well as out of towners, these two structures make the marathon unique to anything else in the both countries.   I heard many runners commenting about the incredible sunrise as they reached the pinnacle of the Bridge.

Special thanks go to Alex Davis, head construction inspector of the City of Detroit for coordinating the repair of many of the roads that were part of the course.   The boulevards of Detroit are beginning to blossom and by next year's marathon runners will see a whole new look to the city.

Equal thanks go to Detroit's Tactical Operations for their difficult task in coordinating the safety of runners across 26 miles of downtown roadway.   Shutting down roads, rerouting traffic and keeping runners on course is no easy task.   Most runners would have been unaware of the behind the scenes work to make everything gel on race day.

At the pre race press conference it was great to see both Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick and Windsor's new mayor Eddie Francis showing their support.   The big coup was not only first gentlemen and greenie marathoner Dan Mulhern running the race but Governor Granholm giving high fives to runners throughout the course.  

A forty percent jump in participation should give the event more clout to promote itself within both cities. Churches and apartments along the route are much more informed than in years past but residents need to take more ownership of the event and embrace it like New York and Boston.

There were many factors that went into the increased participation. Certainly, the addition of the half marathon was a major factor.   Surprisingly there was some skepticism about adding it early in the year but the race committee voted bring it on board.   Shorter events like the Reebok Relay and St. Johns 5km can be a stepping stone to the marathon.   They have been instrumental in making this a friends and family event while promoting health and fitness.  

Detroit has a long way to go to become one of the fitter cities in America.   There is no shortage of companies willing to promote healthier activities.   The Whole Foods Market Health and Fitness Expo had a record number of vendors this year and needed the spaciousness of Cobo Hall to accommodate all of its activities.

Cudo's go to Pat Ball Dlugokinski, her staff and the thousands of volunteers.   It takes more than a village to make it all work. There are literally a million details that go into putting on a marathon.   An entire year's work goes into one weekend.  

The logistics was a tremendous team effort.   Course marshals and police worked together.   Start line coordinators worked with the split timers.   Barricades were set up as pre sweep and lead vehicle drivers arrived.   There a few races that have the number of water, spirit and entertainment stations strategically placed to aid runners in the quest for achievement.   Finish line coordinators draped the field with sponsor banners and runners in silver capes and finisher's medals as the medical and food crews provided assistance at Ford Field.

It was all an amazing site for spectators and runners alike as they crowded inside and out of the stadium.   The Detroit Free Press Flagstar Bank Marathon slogan has been that "You Can Do This" and they did.

Contact Doug Kurtis at Detroit Free Press, 600 W. Fort St. Detroit, 48226

or [email protected]

Doug Kurtis the former Race Director for the Detroit Free Press/Flagstar Bank International Marathon is the world record holder for most career sub 2:20 marathons (76) and most marathon victories (39). Doug is a five time Olympic Trial Qualifier 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992 and 1996. He was voted into the RRCA Hall of Fame in 1998 and Michigan Runner of the Year - 1985 and 1990. Doug coached two 2000 Olympic Trial Marathon Qualifiers.

Personal Bests:
26.2m - 2:13:34, 25km - 1:17:58, 13.1m - 1:04:51, 20km 1:02:37
10m - 48:33, 15km - 46:01, 10km - 29:44, 8km - 23:25



You can e-mail Doug at:
[email protected]


Doug Racing at
Dexter Ann Arbor


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