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2010 NAIA Cross Country National Championships Nov 20, 2010 :: Views- 6843
Presented by Nike
Fort Vancouver National Historic Site
Vancouver, WA
Provided by NAIA
Other distances in this race:

Place TmPl No. Name Year School Time Pace

===== ==== ==== ===================== ==== ========================= ===== =====

1 1 219 Kennedy Kithuka FR Wayland Baptist 24:02 4:50

2 2 12 Abednego Magut SR Azusa Pacific 24:41 4:58

3 3 169 Paul Chelimo FR Shorter 24:44 4:59

4 4 186 David Laney SR Southern Oregon 24:57 5:02

5 5 89 Dj Flores SO Eastern Oregon 25:00 5:02

6 6 83 Zach Ripley SR Cornerstone 25:02 5:03

7 7 50 Western Nelson FR Cal St. San Marcos 25:06 5:03

8 8 223 Edward Taragon SO Wayland Baptist 25:08 5:04

9 9 209 Anthony Pizzo SO The Masters 25:10 5:04

10 10 156 Silas Kisorio JR Oklahoma Christian 25:10 5:04

11 11 133 James Zeuch SR Malone 25:12 5:04

12 12 207 John Gilbertson SO The Masters 25:12 5:05

13 13 183 Zach Elliott SO Southern Oregon 25:18 5:06

14 14 224 Jordan Valle SO Wayland Baptist 25:19 5:06

15 15 208 Jeffrey Jackson SR The Masters 25:21 5:06

16 16 218 Hildon Boen SO Wayland Baptist 25:28 5:08

17 17 158 Geoffrey Njonjo SO Oklahoma Christian 25:30 5:08

18 314 Daniel Tubei FR Park U. 25:31 5:08

19 18 101 Yonas Gebretinais JR Graceland 25:32 5:09

20 19 122 Dave Marks SO Lewis-Clark 25:34 5:09

21 20 75 Marcus Nelson SO Concordia (Ore.) 25:34 5:09

22 21 189 Ryan Sorenson JR Southern Oregon 25:35 5:09

23 22 152 Alfred Kite SR Northwood 25:35 5:09

24 23 63 Greg Montgomery SO College of Idaho 25:35 5:09

25 333 Nathan Martin JR Spring Arbor 25:35 5:09

26 24 70 Dana Schmidt JR Concordia (Neb.) 25:36 5:09

27 25 40 Bryson Harper JR Bryan 25:38 5:10

28 26 134 Blake Delong SO McKendree 25:40 5:10

29 27 13 Wade Meddles FR Azusa Pacific 25:41 5:10

30 297 Javier Ceja JR McPherson 25:41 5:10

31 28 137 Elkana Kipsang SO McKendree 25:43 5:11

32 29 162 Galen Dills SO Shawnee State 25:45 5:11

33 30 187 Dennis McCaffrey SR Southern Oregon 25:49 5:12

34 31 30 Luc Bruchet SO British Columbia 25:51 5:12

35 32 38 Zach Buffington SR Bryan 25:52 5:13

36 33 4 Dustin Heiler JR Aquinas 25:52 5:13

37 281 Philiph Tonui JR Hannibal-LaGrange 25:53 5:13

38 357 Ryan Meyer SO William Woods 25:54 5:13

39 34 91 Forrest Lumpry SR Eastern Oregon 25:55 5:13

40 35 36 Jordan Smith JR British Columbia 25:56 5:13

41 298 Austin Ellis JR Milligan 25:56 5:13

42 36 172 Eliud Ng'etich SO Shorter 25:57 5:14

43 37 185 James Johnstone JR Southern Oregon 25:58 5:14

44 38 202 Sean Smith SO St. Francis (Ill.) 25:58 5:14

45 39 211 Alex Bett JR Union (Tenn.) 25:58 5:14

46 40 165 Michael Owen SR Shawnee State 26:00 5:14

47 41 184 Ryan Gelfi SR Southern Oregon 26:02 5:15

48 42 166 Keegan Rathkamp SR Shawnee State 26:02 5:15

49 308 Cordell Baker SO Oklahoma Baptist 26:03 5:15

50 43 99 Sam Vazquez SR Embry-Riddle 26:03 5:15

51 312 Kenny MacDonough SR Olivet Nazarene 26:04 5:15

52 44 46 Brett Campfield JR Cal St. San Marcos 26:05 5:15

53 45 27 Jed Morgan JR Black Hills St. 26:06 5:15

54 46 64 Paul Sartin SR College of Idaho 26:06 5:15

55 47 6 Devin Lea JR Aquinas 26:07 5:16

56 327 Bobby Brockmueller FR Sioux Falls 26:08 5:16

57 48 41 Jason McLeod SO Bryan 26:09 5:16

58 262 Ryan Richert SR Biola 26:09 5:16

59 49 66 Tyson Billings SR Concordia (Neb.) 26:10 5:16

60 348 Christian De Glymes SR Vanguard 26:10 5:16

61 50 132 Jarod Williams SO Malone 26:10 5:16

62 51 180 Jesiah Rodriquez JR Siena Heights 26:11 5:16

63 52 196 Andrew Topham SR Southwestern (Kan.) 26:11 5:16

64 321 Ignacio Fernandez SO Savannah Coll. of Art & D 26:11 5:16

65 351 Jake Jeanson SO Westmont 26:11 5:17

66 53 198 Jake Ferris FR St. Francis (Ill.) 26:11 5:17

67 54 96 Evans Kirwa SO Embry-Riddle 26:12 5:17

68 55 98 Russel Snyder SR Embry-Riddle 26:12 5:17

69 56 182 David Weeks JR Siena Heights 26:12 5:17

70 57 80 Alex Green SR Cornerstone 26:13 5:17

71 58 127 Jeremy Arthur JR Malone 26:13 5:17

72 59 56 Evan Thayer JR Cedarville 26:16 5:17

73 296 Michael Foerster SR Marian (Ind.) 26:17 5:18

74 60 118 Ethan Naylor JR Indiana Wesleyan 26:18 5:18

75 294 Izzie Miranda SO Lubbock Christian 26:19 5:18

76 287 John Wainwright SR Indiana Tech 26:19 5:18

77 61 54 Joe Cathey JR Cedarville 26:19 5:18

78 316 Juan Carlos Barrera SO Robert Morris (Ill.) 26:20 5:18

79 62 131 Anthony Migliozzi JR Malone 26:21 5:18

80 63 195 Colton McNinch FR Southwestern (Kan.) 26:22 5:19

81 279 Rigoberto Jimenez JR Great Falls 26:23 5:19

82 64 105 Ahmed Khalif SO Graceland 26:23 5:19

83 65 33 Theo Hunt JR British Columbia 26:24 5:19

84 288 Nathan Mesta JR Kansas Wesleyan 26:26 5:19

85 66 157 David McWilliams SO Oklahoma Christian 26:27 5:20

86 67 167 Chuck Wentz SR Shawnee State 26:27 5:20

87 306 Samuel Robison SR Northwest Christian 26:27 5:20

88 68 100 Joel Chirchir SO Graceland 26:29 5:20

89 311 Kasey Ferrigan SO Olivet Nazarene 26:29 5:20

90 318 Noah Kiprono SO Rocky Mountain 26:29 5:20

91 69 88 Justin Dean SR Eastern Oregon 26:30 5:20

92 271 Andy Coy SO Dakota State 26:31 5:20

93 309 Nathan Ellis JR Oklahoma Baptist 26:32 5:21

94 70 130 Nick Meeson SO Malone 26:33 5:21

95 71 175 Nicolas Toscan SO Shorter 26:33 5:21

96 72 188 Josh Seitz JR Southern Oregon 26:34 5:21

97 73 35 Justin Kent FR British Columbia 26:35 5:21

98 74 53 Matt Brooker SO Cedarville 26:35 5:21

99 75 155 Brayden Barrientez SO Oklahoma Christian 26:35 5:21

100 336 Kevin Randle SO St. Ambrose 26:36 5:21

101 76 163 Josh Linkous SR Shawnee State 26:36 5:22

102 305 Brian Gesink SR Morningside 26:37 5:22

103 319 Caleb Clark JR Rogers State 26:37 5:22

104 77 86 Ryan Booth SO Eastern Oregon 26:37 5:22

105 78 24 Mitch Kraft FR Black Hills St. 26:37 5:22

106 79 102 Neil Grundman SR Graceland 26:38 5:22

107 80 171 Peter Limo JR Shorter 26:39 5:22

108 81 28 Laine Parish SO Black Hills St. 26:39 5:22

109 273 Edwin Ronoh JR Doane 26:40 5:22

110 82 14 Jj Timphony SR Azusa Pacific 26:40 5:22

111 83 23 K.C. Fiedler SR Black Hills St. 26:40 5:22

112 349 Matt Johnson JR Vanguard 26:41 5:22

113 339 Brian Corcoran FR St. Xavier 26:41 5:22

114 84 197 Mike Blaszczyk FR St. Francis (Ill.) 26:41 5:22

115 85 221 Lucius Lopez JR Wayland Baptist 26:43 5:23

116 86 192 Carrington Crum JR Southwestern (Kan.) 26:43 5:23

117 87 47 Armando Lara JR Cal St. San Marcos 26:44 5:23

118 270 Devon Berkness SR Dakota State 26:44 5:23

119 358 Jason Rose SR William Woods 26:44 5:23

120 88 37 Josh Bradley SR Bryan 26:45 5:23

121 89 44 Jonathan Alpizar JR Cal St. San Marcos 26:45 5:23

122 90 76 Cory Pena SO Concordia (Ore.) 26:46 5:23

123 91 90 Terry Johnsen JR Eastern Oregon 26:46 5:23

124 92 92 Isaac Updike FR Eastern Oregon 26:46 5:23

125 93 51 T.J. Badertscher SR Cedarville 26:48 5:24

126 280 Tyler Nilsen JR Great Falls 26:48 5:24

127 94 103 Etaslon Kabura FR Graceland 26:48 5:24

128 95 124 Jake Miller SR Lewis-Clark 26:49 5:24

129 304 Garret Ehlers FR Morningside 26:50 5:24

130 96 190 Frank Adelman SO Southwestern (Kan.) 26:50 5:24

131 253 Adam McGovern JR Avila 26:52 5:25

132 97 200 Dylan Reyes FR St. Francis (Ill.) 26:53 5:25

133 98 225 Nate Poirier SR Aquinas 26:54 5:25

134 99 113 Andrew Albert SO Indiana Wesleyan 26:55 5:25

135 100 123 Chris McConnell SR Lewis-Clark 26:56 5:25

136 272 Matt Fideler SR Dakota State 26:56 5:25

137 326 Billy Brockmueller FR Sioux Falls 26:58 5:26

138 101 21 Darryll Patrick SO Berea College 26:58 5:26

139 102 58 Dominic Bolin SO College of Idaho 26:59 5:26

140 282 Stephen Hine JR Houghton 27:00 5:26

141 335 John Darmody JR St. Ambrose 27:00 5:26

142 103 42 Anthony Simpson FR Bryan 27:01 5:26

143 104 120 Grant Eldridge JR Lewis-Clark 27:01 5:26

144 105 34 Aidan Kennedy JR British Columbia 27:01 5:26

145 106 60 Andrew Hugill SO College of Idaho 27:01 5:27

146 107 3 Mike Gravelyn JR Aquinas 27:02 5:27

147 108 68 Colin Morrissey SO Concordia (Neb.) 27:02 5:27

148 274 Cameron Sprague FR Friends 27:03 5:27

149 109 115 Ethan Laudermilch JR Indiana Wesleyan 27:04 5:27

150 110 193 Conner Drendel JR Southwestern (Kan.) 27:05 5:27

151 111 57 Chris Vaughn SR Cedarville 27:05 5:27

152 112 62 Kiprotich Langat JR College of Idaho 27:06 5:27

153 113 129 Jordan McKelley FR Malone 27:06 5:27

154 114 214 Edwin Kurgat FR Union (Tenn.) 27:06 5:28

155 115 176 Justin Bateson FR Siena Heights 27:07 5:28

156 268 Francisco Garcia JR Concordia (Cal.) 27:09 5:28

157 116 5 Jim Janisse SO Aquinas 27:09 5:28

158 315 Nick Wilson SO Rio Grande 27:09 5:28

159 117 32 Tim Huebsch SO British Columbia 27:09 5:28

160 118 82 Travis Mabe SO Cornerstone 27:10 5:28

161 119 121 Fernando Esperanza JR Lewis-Clark 27:10 5:28

162 120 128 Nick Fresenko FR Malone 27:10 5:28

163 263 Austin Epting SO Blue Mountain 27:11 5:28

164 310 David Rannabargar SR Oklahoma Wesleyan 27:11 5:29

165 121 43 Alex Stephens FR Bryan 27:12 5:29

166 325 Keir Forster JR Simon Fraser 27:13 5:29

167 122 150 Abraham Kemboi FR Northwood 27:14 5:29

168 123 159 Austin Simkins FR Oklahoma Christian 27:14 5:29

169 124 220 Victor Lemay JR Wayland Baptist 27:15 5:29

170 286 Matt Kimbrell JR Indiana Tech 27:16 5:29

171 125 199 Ian McDowell SR St. Francis (Ill.) 27:16 5:29

172 126 79 Jared Courtright SO Cornerstone 27:16 5:30

173 127 61 Jason Hunt SO College of Idaho 27:16 5:30

174 256 Jordan Mahood SR Benedictine (Kan.) 27:16 5:30

175 128 7 Mike Morgan JR Aquinas 27:18 5:30

176 129 49 Eduardo Mariscal SR Cal St. San Marcos 27:19 5:30

177 130 31 Nigel Hole SR British Columbia 27:19 5:30

178 292 Steve Snyder SO Lee (Tenn.) 27:19 5:30

179 331 Benson Chepkwony SR Southern Nazarene 27:20 5:30

180 131 73 Ben Foubert FR Concordia (Ore.) 27:20 5:30

181 132 87 Kody Coxen SO Eastern Oregon 27:20 5:30

182 133 178 Vailios Neri JR Siena Heights 27:21 5:30

183 134 48 Apolinar Mariscal SR Cal St. San Marcos 27:22 5:31

184 135 71 Matt Trampe JR Concordia (Neb.) 27:22 5:31

185 278 Jim Vonnahme JR Grand View 27:22 5:31

186 136 26 Neil Long SR Black Hills St. 27:23 5:31

187 137 170 Doug Kalmbach SO Shorter 27:23 5:31

188 350 Jonathan Mott SR Webber 27:24 5:31

189 303 Ben Hall SR Montreat 27:24 5:31

190 138 210 Nathan Seyler SR The Masters 27:24 5:31

191 139 65 Beau Billings FR Concordia (Neb.) 27:25 5:31

192 140 194 Sam McDaniel FR Southwestern (Kan.) 27:26 5:31

193 141 25 Craig Leavitt SO Black Hills St. 27:26 5:32

194 255 Michael Brubaker SR Benedictine (Kan.) 27:27 5:32

195 266 Matt Lowe JR Brescia 27:27 5:32

196 328 Aaron Perry FR Soka 27:27 5:32

197 142 8 Kolin Stickney JR Aquinas 27:30 5:32

198 284 Joseph Herber JR Huntington 27:30 5:32

199 143 125 Hayden Randall FR Lewis-Clark 27:30 5:32

200 301 Matt Murphy SO Milligan 27:31 5:32

201 355 Josh Conner FR William Jewell 27:31 5:33

202 144 22 Lucas Warner JR Berea College 27:32 5:33

203 145 77 Derek Woolsey FR Concordia (Ore.) 27:32 5:33

204 302 Carlos Hernandez FR Minot State 27:33 5:33

205 320 Patrick Cooley SR Savannah Coll. of Art & D 27:34 5:33

206 146 161 Joseph Zarazua JR Oklahoma Christian 27:34 5:33

207 147 138 Travis Lavin JR McKendree 27:35 5:33

208 148 78 Dylan Zitzer SR Concordia (Ore.) 27:35 5:33

209 149 19 Scott Kenney SO Berea College 27:36 5:34

210 150 145 Mike Miroux JR Mount Mercy 27:37 5:34

211 299 Justin Little SO Milligan 27:37 5:34

212 285 Derek Holst SR Indiana Tech 27:37 5:34

213 267 Caleb Dietz SO Carroll 27:39 5:34

214 330 Thomas Everett JR South Dakota Mines 27:40 5:34

215 338 David Baker SR St. Louis Pharmacy 27:41 5:34

216 151 29 Marc Whirlwind Soldie FR Black Hills St. 27:41 5:35

217 152 55 Jordan Davies SR Cedarville 27:41 5:35

218 153 116 Matt McAndrews FR Indiana Wesleyan 27:42 5:35

219 154 39 Hunter Hall SR Bryan 27:44 5:35

220 155 126 Mickael Testa JR Lewis-Clark 27:46 5:35

221 156 181 Kyle Smith SR Siena Heights 27:46 5:36

222 157 206 David Eller FR The Masters 27:46 5:36

223 300 Nathan Meeuwenberg FR Milligan 27:48 5:36

224 158 168 Blake Wysocki SO Shawnee State 27:48 5:36

225 159 95 Josh Guerrero SO Embry-Riddle 27:48 5:36

226 329 Nicholas Spector FR Soka 27:49 5:36

227 160 203 Adam Yost SR St. Francis (Ill.) 27:50 5:36

228 307 Ross Lenehan JR Notre Dame (Ohio) 27:50 5:36

229 161 107 Fernando Diaz JR Holy Names 27:51 5:37

230 162 15 Spencer Winston JR Azusa Pacific 27:52 5:37

231 344 Edwin Ngeno FR Texas Wesleyan 27:54 5:37

232 163 67 Aaron Kortze SR Concordia (Neb.) 27:54 5:37

233 164 104 Chris Karley SO Graceland 27:54 5:37

234 317 Robby Baker FR Rocky Mountain 27:55 5:37

235 165 112 David Rios JR Holy Names 27:56 5:38

236 166 69 Adam Prahlow FR Concordia (Neb.) 27:56 5:38

237 167 212 Zach Covington JR Union (Tenn.) 27:57 5:38

238 342 Adam Schroer SR Taylor 27:57 5:38

239 168 205 Josiah Downer JR The Masters 27:58 5:38

240 347 Austin Warner JR Trinity Christian 28:00 5:38

241 169 17 Austin Houchens FR Berea College 28:01 5:39

242 170 84 Cody Risch SO Cornerstone 28:02 5:39

243 171 81 Peter Kaijala SR Cornerstone 28:03 5:39

244 172 74 Andrew Landstrom FR Concordia (Ore.) 28:04 5:39

245 173 191 Eric Anders FR Southwestern (Kan.) 28:04 5:39

246 174 52 Josiah Bragg SO Cedarville 28:04 5:39

247 175 59 Alex Goold SR College of Idaho 28:06 5:40

248 176 72 Cordero Cisneros JR Concordia (Ore.) 28:06 5:40

249 177 119 Harrison Scheib FR Indiana Wesleyan 28:07 5:40

250 178 94 Brett Galloway SO Embry-Riddle 28:07 5:40

251 179 201 Phil Rizzo SO St. Francis (Ill.) 28:08 5:40

252 180 97 Zach Kraus FR Embry-Riddle 28:08 5:40

253 283 David Richards FR Houghton 28:08 5:40

254 265 Kyle Clark SO Brescia 28:09 5:40

255 356 Kipp Schuler SR William Penn 28:10 5:40

256 181 143 Mitch Johnson FR Mount Mercy 28:10 5:40

257 182 135 Darren Hooks JR McKendree 28:11 5:41

258 183 85 Kris Shear SR Cornerstone 28:13 5:41

259 184 114 Shawn Howse SO Indiana Wesleyan 28:13 5:41

260 185 174 Edgar Santoyo SO Shorter 28:13 5:41

261 264 Richard Feist JR Blue Mountain 28:15 5:41

262 252 Doug Powers JR Ashford 28:16 5:42

263 186 18 Jeffrey Johnson SO Berea College 28:18 5:42

264 187 136 Joshua Katam SR McKendree 28:20 5:42

265 313 Jacob McMillan JR Ottawa 28:22 5:43

266 275 Tanner Alexander FR Georgetown (Ky.) 28:25 5:43

267 188 16 Jarrett Blankenship JR Berea College 28:26 5:44

268 254 Chris Scheideman JR Baker 28:26 5:44

269 189 93 Alex Frazier JR Embry-Riddle 28:26 5:44

270 251 Jarred Brewster SO Asbury College 28:27 5:44

271 190 160 Nick Stoots SO Oklahoma Christian 28:28 5:44

272 191 204 Matthew Crichton FR The Masters 28:29 5:44

273 192 10 Paul Castro FR Azusa Pacific 28:30 5:44

274 193 142 Matthew Clarke SR Mount Mercy 28:30 5:44

275 194 173 Steven Rich SR Shorter 28:32 5:45

276 260 Nelphat Bor JR Bethel (Tenn.) 28:33 5:45

277 195 177 Mark Haukereid FR Siena Heights 28:34 5:45

278 196 141 Gary Bannister FR Mount Mercy 28:36 5:46

279 293 Cole Whitaker FR Lee (Tenn.) 28:39 5:46

280 334 Lance Nelson FR Spring Arbor 28:41 5:47

281 197 45 Joshua Bolliger FR Cal St. San Marcos 28:41 5:47

282 198 9 Paul Baldares FR Azusa Pacific 28:42 5:47

283 276 Brandon Pulliam FR Georgetown (Ky.) 28:45 5:47

284 258 Wayne Smith FR Bethany (Cal.) 28:46 5:48

285 261 Peter Kiplagat SO Bethel (Tenn.) 28:47 5:48

286 323 John Sutherland JR Savannah Coll. of Art & D 28:48 5:48

287 199 106 Tim Napier SO Graceland 28:48 5:48

288 200 20 Jakub Lonsky FR Berea College 28:52 5:49

289 201 149 Ebenezer Eshete SO Northwood 28:55 5:49

290 202 108 Zachary Holt SO Holy Names 28:56 5:50

291 203 117 Matt Mitchell SO Indiana Wesleyan 28:58 5:50

292 204 146 Tj Mosbach FR Mount Mercy 29:03 5:51

293 341 Justin Richardson SO Suny Canton 29:04 5:51

294 205 217 Joel Wellum JR Union (Tenn.) 29:08 5:52

295 257 Bradley Arkens FR Bethany (Cal.) 29:10 5:52

296 295 Justin Fereshetian JR Maine-Presque Isle 29:13 5:53

297 206 151 Edwin Kiptoo SR Northwood 29:16 5:54

298 259 Bethuel Boinett SO Bethel (Tenn.) 29:18 5:54

299 352 Chadd Baltzley JR William Jessup 29:18 5:54

300 207 11 Anthony Lacambra SO Azusa Pacific 29:20 5:54

301 277 Scott Ritter SR Georgetown (Ky.) 29:21 5:55

302 332 Josh Thatcher FR Southern Wesleyan 29:28 5:56

303 208 215 Drake Ott SO Union (Tenn.) 29:31 5:57

304 337 Amr Abualnadi SR St. Louis Pharmacy 29:35 5:58

305 209 216 Dan Ramer SR Union (Tenn.) 29:41 5:59

306 210 153 Nicholas Molina SO Northwood 29:42 5:59

307 322 Ben Harrison JR Savannah Coll. of Art & D 29:48 6:00

308 353 Aaron Cardinio FR William Jessup 29:50 6:01

309 211 213 Caleb Creel FR Union (Tenn.) 30:02 6:03

310 345 Martin Rodriguez FR Texas Wesleyan 30:08 6:04

311 212 139 Ryan Todd FR McKendree 30:18 6:06

312 213 109 Edrian Luna JR Holy Names 30:18 6:06

313 214 144 Jayson Lawton SR Mount Mercy 30:21 6:07

314 346 Robert Talavera FR Texas Wesleyan 30:27 6:08

315 215 140 Josh Wilhelm JR McKendree 30:30 6:08

316 340 Jonathan Flint FR Suny Canton 30:33 6:09

317 290 Adam Haney SR Lee (Tenn.) 30:34 6:09

318 216 111 Juan Monje SR Holy Names 30:38 6:10

319 217 147 Grant Wakefield FR Mount Mercy 30:43 6:11

320 218 154 Aaron Rodarte JR Northwood 30:59 6:14

321 354 David Cummings FR William Jessup 31:06 6:16

322 219 110 Uriel Martinez SO Holy Names 31:35 6:22

323 289 Mario McCottrell SO Langston 31:49 6:25

324 343 Luis Fuentes FR Texas Wesleyan 32:13 6:29

325 220 148 Jose Buentello FR Northwood 32:38 6:34

326 221 164 Brad Liston FR Shawnee State 36:53 7:26

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